Tuesday, September 23, 2008

reflection #2: Gong is the end of the universe

First of all let's talk about my quasi-disasterous teaching experience (#2). Basically, I was in a hurry because we were short on time and I forgot the fancy teaching techniques I was going to use, and ended with the doomed "any questions" thing. I had wanted to isolate the lesson into key points that could be tagged with one word. For example, the Doppler effect could be coined as squishing sound waves. But I didn't. I enjoyed daydreaming about the edge of the universe though.

Now let's move on to the book. It's good I suppose. I'm a little bit cynical about anything I hear about that seems to sum up life in weird equations. The three-person model, the triangle of symmetry, etc. That said, I love the core principle of the book, in that it seems to put the teacher and the learner on the same level. It's not as easy to do in a high school class, but as an elder's quorum instructor I found that the lesson went so much better when I forced the guys to teach me. I'd ask questions that had no right answer and let them try to convince me of one. Of course, we were basically all return missionary college students, so we were on the same level. Plus it was the gospel, so a new member might have just as good of insights as a high priest.

So I keep applying this class and the readings to those teaching experiences and my perception of what teaching high school would be like. The beauty of teaching multimedia is that the only area I know that they don't, is the tool. Beyond that, the art, the creativity, the students will be able to teach me just as much as I can teach them. Maybe I'm a little too optimistic about it but I think I could really enjoy it. I love seeing what these kids can come up with.

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